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Questionnaire for Ageless Tourism Recognition
Answer these questions about the 10 Special Interest Areas
Your name:
Interest Area 1: Design and Sensory Accommodation
- Are team members at all levels educated on universal design, inclusive design, and age-friendly design?
- Is there awareness of the distinction between appropriate design for the mature traveler and that for the disabled traveler?
- Are team members educated about the sensory needs of the mature guest regarding taste, smell, hearing, touch, and sight?
- Has your built environment been assessed for age-friendly sensory elements by universal and inclusive design experts?
- Are you aware of the education level in Age-Friendly Design of outside contractors, builders, suppliers, and vendors, and do they have any Recognitions such as Recognized Aging in Place Specialists?
- Is design, color, and functionality age-friendly when selecting consumer-facing technologies?
- Do your environments include spaces for meeting, developing friendships, and continuing friendships among mature guests, and provide intergenerational opportunities?
- Is mobility support such as ramps, elevators, and moving platforms an integral part of your design rather than a separate or separated space for mature users?
- Are personal products such as hotel toilet amenities, bathroom soaps, and others easily readable and identifiable for mature guests?
- Are accessible rooms designed with the same standards of luxury and appearance as non-accessible rooms?
- Are noise levels in entertainment environments, lighting in hallways and corridors, wayfinding signs and pathways, and distinctions in steps and elevations considered for the comfort and injury prevention of the mature guest?
- Are guest rooms and communal areas designed with adjustable lighting to accommodate the varying vision needs of mature guests?
- Do your facilities provide clear, large-print signage throughout the property to assist mature guests in navigating space quickly?
- Are seating areas throughout the property equipped with chairs that offer good back support and are easy to get in and out of?
- Is the flooring in your property non-slip and easy to walk on, especially in areas prone to moisture, such as bathrooms and pools?
- Are public address systems and room telephone ones adjusted to be audible for guests with hearing impairments?
- Do you regularly seek feedback from mature guests on the accessibility and comfort of your facilities?
- Are there designated quiet zones where mature guests can relax away from noisy areas?
- Do you provide age-friendly recreational activities that cater to different mobility levels and interests?
- Are emergency evacuation plans and procedures communicated to mature guests, and do they include specific provisions for guests with mobility or sensory impairments?
- Do you offer magnifying or reading glasses or other visual aids in guest rooms and spas to assist with reading?
Interest Area 2: Staff Training and Age Awareness
- Do all staff, including guides, concierge services, luggage handlers, and all registration and other service personnel, understand and know the needs of mature travelers?
- Are large print forms for registration, spa, gym materials, and menus provided, and do related staff offer these materials in a seamless and nonageist manner?
- Is an environment of inclusiveness and respect for the mature guest nurtured?
- Are ongoing training sessions held to keep staff updated on the latest in age-friendly service practices?
- Do staff members receive specific training in communicating effectively and respectfully with mature guests?
- Are there role-playing exercises or simulations included in the training to help staff empathize with the physical and sensory challenges mature guests may face?
- Is there a system in place to regularly evaluate and improve staff performance in serving mature guests?
- Do you have staff members who are designated explicitly as age-friendly service ambassadors?
- Are customer feedback mechanisms in place to capture the experiences of mature guests and inform staff training programs?
- Do staff members receive training on recognizing and addressing signs of cognitive decline in mature guests?
- Are there protocols for staff to assist mature guests discreetly and respectfully if they struggle with any aspect of their stay?
- Are staff members encouraged and rewarded for going beyond in their service to mature guests?
- Is cultural sensitivity training included to ensure staff are aware of and respect the diverse backgrounds of mature travelers?
Interest Area 3: Marketing and Outreach
- Are ageist phrases, even those complementary, such as “you look great for your age,” avoided when addressing or referring to older guests personally or privately among staff members?
- Is ageist language avoided in marketing outreach?
- Are different generations never pitted against each other in advertisements, posts, or outreach?
- Are ageist images that show mature guests as frail, unattractive, or in any way othering them avoided?
- Are websites, brochures, and other reading materials age-friendly in typeset, fonts, color, and images?
- Are marketing, advertising, and outreach created with a deep awareness that older and mature adults are individuals and not necessarily easily depicted in a single stereotype, even when attractively conceived?
- Are mature guests portrayed as adventuresome, gregarious, and capable?
- Do you use mature marketing models that reflect your older guests’ active and vibrant lifestyles?
- Are testimonials and reviews from mature guests prominently featured in your marketing materials?
- Do you have marketing campaigns targeting mature travelers highlighting age-friendly amenities and services?
- Is there a dedicated section on your website that addresses mature travelers’ specific needs and interests?
- Are you using social media platforms popular among mature audiences to reach out and engage with them?
- Do you collaborate with influencers or bloggers specializing in travel for mature audiences?
- Are your promotional offers and packages designed to appeal to the interests and budgets of mature travelers?
- Do you provide detailed and accessible information about health and safety measures that would reassure mature guests?
- Is your marketing team trained in the principles of inclusive and non-ageist communication?
- Are you actively participating in travel fairs and expos that cater to the 60-plus market segment?
Interest Area 4: Artificial Intelligence, Technology, and Data
- When using artificial intelligence for data gathering, does the data include the sixty-plus, seventy, and eighty-plus mature guests? If not, are you aware of this exclusion?
- Is data collected about mature guests’ and travelers’ positive and negative experiences?
- Is it assessed where and how your organization’s mature travelers encounter and use technology?
- Is there ease of access and use of technology, and are appropriate staff trained to support its use respectfully and seamlessly?
- Do you use AI-driven insights to tailor travel experiences specifically for mature travelers?
- If so, is marketing data or other statistics not relied upon if data gathering stops at age 55 or younger when making business decisions to attract, serve, and retain mature guests?
- Are your booking systems designed to be user-friendly for older adults, including large fonts and simplified navigation?
- Do you offer virtual tours and previews of accommodations and amenities for mature guests to explore before booking?
- Is there a helpdesk or support line specifically for mature guests who might need assistance with technology?
- Do you gather and analyze data on the preferences and behaviors of mature travelers to better understand their needs?
- Are there mobile apps provided by your organization that offer features helpful to mature travelers, such as large text, voice commands, and easy navigation?
- Do you use technology to provide real-time assistance and information to mature guests during their stay?
- Are your feedback forms and surveys designed to be easily accessible and understandable for mature guests?
- Do you regularly review and update your technology offerings to ensure they remain age-friendly?
- Is there a dedicated team or individual responsible for overseeing the technological needs of mature guests?
Interest Area 5: Ageism and Attitudes
- Is marketing, social media, and branding reviewed for elements of ageism?
- Are outside branders or marketers asked about their policies regarding ageism at their workplace and the resources they use to review their pictures, copy, and other images for ageism?
- Does your organization have a zero-tolerance policy for ageism and discriminatory behavior?
- Are there regular workshops and discussions on ageism and its impact on mature travelers?
- Do you involve mature guests in the evaluation of your services to ensure their perspectives are included?
- Is there a straightforward process for mature guests to report instances of ageism or discrimination during their stay?
- Do you celebrate and promote the contributions of mature individuals within your marketing and communications?
- Are staff encouraged to share their experiences and learnings about serving mature guests?
- Do you track and analyze incidents of ageism within your organization to identify patterns and areas for improvement?
- Are partnerships formed with organizations that advocate for the rights and well-being of older adults?
- Do you include the topic of ageism in your diversity and inclusion training programs?
- Is there a dedicated team or representative responsible for addressing issues related to ageism within your organization?
Interest Area 6: Employment Practices
- Are measures taken to create an age-balanced workforce?
- Are intergenerational and multigenerational staff members trained in an inclusive and respectful workplace age?
- Is ageism systematically addressed in the workplace?
- Are appropriate work benefits, flex time, and part-time opportunities developed for all age groups?
- Are mutual mentoring programs created for intergenerational and multigenerational staff?
- Are insurance and other benefits programs geared toward the mature worker investigated and implemented where appropriate?
- Do you actively recruit mature workers and highlight the benefits of an age-diverse workforce in your recruitment materials?
- Are job descriptions and roles designed to be appealing and accessible to mature candidates?
- Do you offer training and development programs specifically for mature employees to enhance their skills and career progression?
- Is there a formal mentorship program that pairs younger employees with older, more experienced colleagues?
- Do you regularly review your employment practices to ensure they are inclusive and accessible of age bias?
- Are flexible working arrangements available to mature employees, such as remote work and adjustable hours?
- Do you celebrate the achievements and milestones of your mature employees within the organization?
- Are health and wellness programs tailored to the needs of mature employees?
- Do you have policies in place to support mature employees who may be caregivers for elderly family members?
- Are retirement planning and transition support services offered to help mature employees prepare for their next stage of life?
Interest Area 7: Itinerary Building and Sustainability
- Is the pace of movement on walks considered?
- Are multi-mobility itineraries created?
- Is accessible transportation provided?
- Are intergenerational experiences offered?
- Are Second Honeymoon trips offered?
- Are Girlfriend Tours offered?
- Are Voluntouring experiences offered?
- Are art, culture, and history covered together with lifelong learning?
- Are Genealogy tours offered?
- Are Boomer history tours offered, such as Summer of Love, Beatles, Carnaby Street, etc.?
- Is accessible transportation provided?
- Are culinary experiences for restrictive diets provided?
- Are unique lifelong learning experiences created before and after the trip?
- Is connectivity among travelers continued by planning for post and pre-trip meetings?
- Do you consult with mature travelers to understand their preferences and needs during planning?
- Are there rest breaks and downtime built into itineraries to ensure comfort and enjoyment for mature travelers?
- Do you provide detailed accessibility information for all activities and accommodations included in the itinerary?
- Are sustainable and eco-friendly practices incorporated into your tours, and are they communicated to your guests?
- Do you offer customized itineraries that can be tailored to the specific interests and abilities of mature travelers?
- Are there opportunities for mature travelers to engage with local communities and cultures meaningfully?
- Do you partner with local organizations and businesses to offer authentic, age-friendly experiences?
- Are there options for less physically demanding activities for those with mobility challenges?
- Do you provide pre-trip information sessions to help mature travelers prepare for their journey?
- Are post-trip surveys conducted to gather feedback and improve future itineraries for mature travelers?
Interest Area 8: Inclusivity: LGBTQ+, Travelers of Color, Religious Inclusion
- Are safety issues for LGBTQ+ and religious denominations considered?
- Are Pride Tours organized?
- Is there an expanded view of “family” oriented tours?
- Are opportunities built into itineraries for worship, including Jewish Sabbath, Church, and daily Muslim and Jewish prayer?
- Are religious pilgrimages or related excursions such as Fatima offered when developing Portuguese itineraries?
- Are your staff’s attitudes toward age in different ethnic, religious, and cultural groups understood?
- Is sensitivity training provided for staff, guides, and itinerary creators on age, religion, and color?
- Do you provide resources and support to help LGBTQ+ mature travelers feel safe and welcome?
- Are tours and activities designed to be inclusive and respectful of all cultural and religious backgrounds?
- Do you collaborate with organizations specializing in LGBTQ+ and multicultural travel to enhance your offerings?
- Do you offer cultural competency workshops to ensure staff are aware of and sensitive to diverse cultural norms and practices?
- Are marketing materials and communications inclusive of diverse family structures and relationships?
- Do you ensure that all guests, regardless of background, feel respected and valued throughout their experience?
- Are there specific programs or tours celebrating and educating about the history and contributions of diverse cultures?
- Do you actively seek feedback from LGBTQ+ and travelers of color to improve your inclusivity efforts continuously?
- Are partnerships formed with local communities to create authentic and respectful cultural experiences for your guests?
Interest Area 9: Advocacy
- Has your business collaborated with or supported advocacy organizations such as The International Federation on Ageing, the Global Association of Rights of Older Persons, the American Society on Ageing, and local or country-wide aging advocacy groups?
- Are all staff members encouraged to join such organizations regardless of age, and are membership charges subsidized?
- Do you engage in or actively support research in areas of aging?
- Do you sponsor or actively support academic and community events for better aging, including better aging and tourism?
- Do you use social media to promote pro-aging messages, events, and related content?
- Do you engage in and actively support local, community, national, and international campaigns by partnering with aging advocacy groups, including legislative, regulatory, and administrative rules that support better aging and address issues of ageism?
- Do you participate in and support initiatives that promote the rights and well-being of older adults?
- Are there internal advocacy groups or committees within your organization focused on the needs and rights of mature travelers?
- Do you provide your guests and the broader community with educational materials and resources about aging and ageism?
- Are there partnerships with academic institutions to support research on aging and tourism?
- Do you engage in public speaking or writing to raise awareness about age-friendly tourism practices?
- Are advocacy efforts highlighted in your corporate social responsibility reports or other public communications?
- Do you host events or forums to discuss issues related to aging and tourism?
- Are employees encouraged and supported to volunteer with organizations that advocate for older adults?
- Do you collaborate with other businesses to promote age-friendly practices across the tourism industry?
- Is there a designated role or team within your organization focused on advocacy and community engagement?
Interest Area 10: Ageless Tourism Recognition
- Once you gain Recognition, how will you make regular reviews and updates to ensure compliance with age-friendly standards?
- Will you display your age-friendly Recognition prominently in marketing materials and on your premises?
- Is there a process for continuous improvement based on feedback from mature guests and Recognition audits?
- Will you participate with other Recognized organizations to identify best practices?
- Will you train the staff on the importance and benefits of maintaining age-friendly Recognition?
- Do you have a dedicated team or individual responsible for managing the Recognition process?
- Are there incentives for staff to contribute to age-friendly initiatives and maintain Recognition standards?
- Do you conduct internal audits to ensure ongoing compliance with age-friendly practices?
- Is guest feedback on age-friendliness incorporated into your Recognition renewal process?
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